The Advantages of Using WoW Macro Cast

          The API of World of Warcraft game is one of the most mutable and can be easily modified by players who have knowledge about game development. This is why as you can see, there have been a lot of UI add-ons for WOW flooding the market nowadays. But you don’t have to take a course in game development so that you just take advantage of these loopholes in the game. The macros can be your new friend, and help you out with your game without having to install any bugged or lagging third party applications.

     To begin with, WoW macros allow the players to perform several commands or actions with just one hit in the keyboard. What it does, is that it lets you to a certain degree automate the functions and skills of your character. There are a lot of macros that have been created by some of the veteran players, like the WoW macro cast and you can just make a quick search online and find some of these. There are macros that are created for certain situations as not all can be applied every single time.  

            If you want to setup your own macros, all you need to do is to open the Macro tab; you can access this through the Options menu. Just simply click “new” and type the label or name for your chosen macro in the required field, then you can choose an icon for it. Next is you need to paste or type the macro command that you have into the designated area and then drag its icon towards your hotbar. That’s it, you now have your macros ready for use.

            Another very useful macro is the raid icon selection macro or the wow macro target. This macro is very good to use during raids where you can assign a target and just focus all your attack to your target alone. Using a pre-defined icon, you can set the macro then choose your target. The command for this macro is:   /script SetRaidTarget(“target”, x)

            Then all you need is to simply change the “x” with the corresponding number to your marked target that have the icon you selected.

Your options are:
1: yellow star
2: orange circle
3: purple diamond
4: green triangle
5: crescent moon
6: blue square
7: red "X"
8: skull

       You can learn more about macros and other effective keybinding tips here at Manaview Impulse Review. Once you learned about these effective keyboard skills, you will never have to point and click during PVP, raids and other battles.

Why Use A WoW Macro Modifier

         Have you've been playing World of Warcraft for quite some time now? Or are you fairly new to the game? Most of the common questions raised by WoW gamers is on how they can make their casting and the other actions of their character faster. Always remember that every second matters in WoW especially in PVP and raid battles. The life and death of your toon depends on how fast can you perform a skill, move to the side and summon your mount.

            The real secret in becoming the best payer in the game doesn’t depend on which class you chose, not in your rotation and not even in the spec of your toon. Yes these are important things to consider when playing the game, but the truth is, all characters are created the same and there’s a certain balance in the game, so there’s no class or build that have a major advantage against all the classes. Most players know the secret of winning the game, and most of them take it too lightly. This is how you play the game. And it is about your keybinds and macros. There are certain tricks that you can do with your keybind and macro in the options menu of World of Warcraft, you can set what buttons will do a certain action. There are also certain levels of macro like wow macro cast and wow macro modifier.

            First of all a wow macro modifier is usually your “shift/ctrl/alt keys. Pressing and holding down the key when a command is executed evaluates “true”. This is mostly used in casting and other spell actions. Actually most of the things about keybinding and macros are discussed in the tutorial phase when you are first starting the game.

            However, what is not discussed is on how to set up these key binds the proper way so that you can press the needed keys while at the same time doing certain actions like moving forward, backward or sideways. Your success will greatly depend on how quickly and efficiently can you hit your action keys on your keyboard. And this is where a lot of players fall short. They instead result in point and click actions using their mouse, which we can say is a lot slower. This manaview impulse review will show you how you can master wow macro modifiers and other macro and key binds faster.

Review On Manaview Impulse

     From Manaview, the creators of top World of Warcraft addons like Booster, Tycoon and Edge comes yet another great in-game addon that will surely help boost your WoW experience. Introducing the Manaview Impulse keybind and macro addon. This great add-on is perfect for all players regardless of their playing styles and level.

   This keybind and macro add-on will help players to improve their playing skills by helping them toggle between screens and cast spells with an amazing accuracy and precision. This keybind and macro add-on was developed by some of the top level gamers of World of Warcraft that were hired by Manaview to come together and develop a one of a kind keybind and macro product that can go beyond the usual keybinding techniques. This add-on will show players the best hand placements and shortcuts for each skill for any character in the game. Just set the class and build of your character and let the add-on take it from there.

    The technology used in this one I can say is superb. Unlike most of the keybind and macro that were previously created that are either slow and some are obsolete, the macro and keybind of Manaview Impulse is being updated regularly so it will never be obsolete for the whole lifetime of the game, especially for the upcoming 4.3 patch. So whatever version of World of Warcraft are you playing, you can be sure that you'll have a shortcut key for each skill and functions of your character. Keep on reading this Manaview Impulse Review and find out more about this latest product from Manaview.